التعاون مع المفوضية الاوروبية:

برنامج بناء القدرات المؤسسية، التابع لبرنامج الاتحاد الأوروبي، التعليم العالي الايراسموس بلس.
1- تأسيس برنامج دراسي للهندسة المعمارية بجامعة النيل (كأحد الجامعات المشاركة) وذلك بالمشاركة مع جامعات مصرية وأوروبية من عام 2017 إلى2021.

Erasmus + project “Integrative Multidisciplinary People-Centered Architectural Qualification & Training / IMPAQT”.
For more information about the project, please visit:


2- تأسيس برنامج تدريبي متخصص لبناء القدرات في مجال تجديد النقل الحضري في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا وذلك بالمشاركة مع جامعات مصرية واوروبية من عام 2020 الي 2023


Erasmus + project “Urban and transPortation reGeneration for Reducing Automobile Dependency in mEna area / UPGRADE”.upgrade


The staff of the Architecture and Housing research institute at the Housing and Building National research center (HBRC) is pleased to announce the acceptance of a research proposal to the Erasmus plus Program in collaboration with eight highly reputable Higher Education Institutes from six different countries. The project entitled Urban and Transportation Regeneration for Reducing Automobile Dependency in MENA (Upgrade). The project falls under the Capacity Building in higher education - Joint Projects.

This 3-year project funded by the European Commission aims to employ multidisciplinary education and research to help transportation businesses address the challenges of unprivileged sectors of society using innovative solutions. UPGRADE focuses on unprivileged minorities as a case study to solve not only their Transportation and Urban Mobility Planning everyday problems, but also to try to upgrade their economic status, through studying the land use of the accommodated settlements to help them look for income-generating opportunities and a more interesting lifestyle.

Project Coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Hany Badreldin Serageldin

Scientific Staff:
Dr. Nora Osama Mohamed Abd_elmonem Ahmed

For more information about the project, please visit:

مواقع ذات صلة

خريطة الوصول

بيانات الاتصال

87 شارع التحرير الدقى - جيزة

البريد الإليكترونى : hbrc@hbrc.edu.eg

تليفون : 0237617102

فاكس : 0233351564

عدد الزيارات