Work Fields

Fields of work of the Center

- Issuance of codes and specifications of business items.

- Conducting basic research and studies that serve national projects and codes.

- Applied research in the fields of housing, construction, environmental design and community service.

- Quality control for construction projects and natural and manufactured building materials, whether at the source or at the site of use.

- Providing technical support to government institutions and the private sector.

- Development of architectural design of buildings and methods of urban planning.

- Conducting field and laboratory tests and quality control.

- Providing consultations and technical assistance in the fields of housing and construction.

- Field inspections, structural safety, repair, strengthening and raising the efficiency of facilities.

- Organizing and hosting local and international seminars and conferences.

- Conducting training courses in the application of building codes, quality control, building rehabilitation, urban planning, repair of defects of facilities, etc.

- International cooperation with Arab and foreign countries and scientific organization.

Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Email: hbrc@hbrc.edu.eg
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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