Training department

Training department

The Training Department (Training Center) at the Housing and Building National Research Center is considered an integrated scientific system that offers many modern and advanced programs in line with the tremendous scientific progress in the building and construction industry. The management of the training process is also considered a civilized issue and a means of developing the ability to think and create. The center’s training management contributes to increasing the efficiency of those in charge of the building technical system to reach the high quality of the various construction facilities. This is Achieved through periodic training plan, which reflects an integrated perspective that is in line with the rapid development in the field of the construction industry and with the country’s trend in paying attention to the training process in its various sectors.

معهد بحوث الخامات وتكنولوجيا صناعة المواد

Training in numbers

The number of trainees
Number of training sessions

Contact us

Phone / Fax : (202)37618147

Email: training.hbrc@gmail.com


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Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Email: hbrc@hbrc.edu.eg
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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