Construction & Project Management

The Institute aims to develop the construction sector that serves individuals, society and the environment by conducting scientific and applied research and studies in the field of construction engineering. The Institute also conducts applied research in the field of project management, comprehensive quality systems, solid waste management systems, and others that aim to raise the efficiency of project management. The Institute also plays an important role in providing technical consultations, carrying out construction management and engineering projects, and preparing national studies with the aim of developing legislation affecting the construction industry, by contributing with official authorities and regional bodies, and working to integrate these legislations at the regional level.
The institute has an elite group of specialized cadres, including members of the research staff and their assistants. With its human capabilities and scientific equipment, the Institute studies the use of information and communications technology to serve the construction sector. It also contributes to qualifying companies to obtain quality certificates in accordance with international specifications.

معهد بحوث الخامات وتكنولوجيا صناعة المواد

Contact us

Phone: (202)37617102 - (202)37628796
Fax: (202)33351564 - (202)37628736
Email:CPMRI@hbrc.edu.eg - CPMRI2022@gmail.com





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Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Email: hbrc@hbrc.edu.eg
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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