TICO technology


Innovation Support Offices, Technology Transfer and Commercialization TICO

Commencement (Establishment):
The innovation support, technology transfer and commercialization offices of the Housing and Building National Research Center were established at the initiative of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology on June 10, 2013 based on Contract Agreement No. 20 of 2013.
The second phase of office work was contracted starting October 24, 2016, and the unified phase was also contracted starting January 28, 2020. It aims to transfer the outputs of scientific research to the field of application in the local and international market.

The innovation support, technology transfer and commercialization offices consist of:
1- Technology Transfer and Marketing Office (TTO)
2- Office of Intellectual Property and Patent Policy (TISC)
3- Office of Research Projects and International Cooperation (GICO)
These offices aim to bring research and innovations that have been locked away into implementation and application to benefit society in practical forms, while preserving all intellectual property rights of the researchers and the office.

Services provided by offices:
First: To bring attention to the researcher and what he presents and does. This action has an impact on our country among the world.
Second: Completing the studies carried out by the researcher through establishing technological incubators that allow him to complete the research from the technical aspects and create semi-industrial or production models.
Third: Training and providing feasibility studies for the product.
Fourth: Assistance and application for obtaining patents.
Fifth: Communicating with investors and stakeholders to implement the results of the study
Sixth: Concluding contracts between parties and determining the percentages of intellectual property rights
Seventh: Development and international competitiveness.
Contact information:
The Housing and Building National Research Center
87 Tahrir Street, Dokki - Giza
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Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Email: hbrc@hbrc.edu.eg
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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