Building Materials and Quality Control

The Building Materials and Quality Control Research Institute (BMI) is concerned with evaluating the properties of building materials of various types, units, and elements manufactured from them. The BMI also determines the limits of their optimal use and their suitability for several construction purposes, and is concerned with quality control and assurance in the construction field, whether at project sites, concrete central mixing plants, or production factories of building materials and units. The BMI also investigates alternatives to building materials and blocks from natural sources or industrial and agricultural waste to preserve the environment, as well as evaluate new materials such as composite materials, reinforcement materials. The institute is also concerned with repair works, and their applications to face threats of seismic disasters and cracks in buildings; The Institute conducts laboratory and field tests on concrete structures to determine their structural condition and endurance performance capabilities in short and long term.
The Institute also contributes to the engineering codes adaptation, and technical specifications for building materials utilization in the construction industry.
The Building Materials and Quality Control Research Institute consists of (11) laboratories, including (4) internationally accredited laboratories conforming to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 17025 from the International Accreditation Service IAS.

معهد بحوث الخامات وتكنولوجيا صناعة المواد

Institute work fields.

Study of new materials such as composite materials and materials for strengthening  and  restoration of facilities and their applicatio

Quality control and assurance in the field of building and construction industry, whether at sites of projects, central concrete batching plants, or factories producing building materials and units


Investigating alternative building materials regarding structures from natural sources or industrial and agricultural waste to improve the environment

Study the properties and technology of building materials of various kinds as well as units and elements manufactured from them. Also, determine the limits of their optimal use

Institute Laboratories

The Institute Includes (11) Laboratories, including (4) internationally accredited laboratories conforming to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 17025 from the International Accreditation Service IAS.

Central laboratory

Contact us.

Tel: 0233351564

Email: MTL@hbrc.edu.eg

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Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Email: hbrc@hbrc.edu.eg
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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