

An Applied National Research Study in Developing Asphalt Road Construction Technology By Adding Plastic Wastes


- Prof. Dr. Ahmed Algabry, HBRC
- Prof. Dr. Esraa Emam Ali, HBRC
- Dr. Elsayed Fahmy, HBRC

Behavior of RC Elements Reinforced with Different Steel Grades According to ECP203 Requirements

Simplified Procedures for the Design and Construction of Geosynthetics Reinforced walls


- Prof. Khalid Elzahaby, HBRC
- Prof. Suzan Saad Salam, HBRC
- Assoc. Prof. Hoda Hany Mostafa, HBRC
- Eng. John Erian, STRATA for Geogrids
- Eng. Ahmed el Wakeel, Egypt-Grid

Advanced Methods for water and wastewater treatments


Prof. Shreen Mohamed Ahmed, Housing and Building National Research Center (HBRC)
A speaker from the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities.
A speaker from water and wastewater treatment companies as suppliers.
A spokesman from the water and drainage companies in the governorates for operation and maintenance.

Innovation importance of TICO for National Development


- Prof. Dr. Mona Ahmed Mohamed Fanny , Prof. Building Physics and Environments Research Institute, Manger of TICO , HBRC

- Asso. Prof. Mahmoud Abd Elrazk, HBRC

- Dr. Mostafa Shohide, HBRC

- Prof. Dr. Saaid I. ZakiHBRC

- Asso. Prof.  Samah Adel SanadHBRC




Waste -Based Coatings as Sustainable innovative solutions for Coastal Corrosion


- Prof. Ahmed Elshami, Chemistry and Building Materials Technology, HBRC
- Prof. Dr. Tarek El Sokkary , Former Director of the Research Institute of Raw Materials, HBRC & Head of the Research Projects Management, a nd International Cooperation Office (GICO)
- Prof. Dr. Basil Ahmed Mohamed El-Sabbagh, Raw Building Materials and Processing Technology Research Institute, HBRC.
- Prof. Medhat Sobhy El-Mahllawy, Head of Raw Building Materials and Processing Technology Research Institute, HBRC

Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Email: hbrc@hbrc.edu.eg
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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