Building Physics & Environment

laboratory tests

Insulation and thermal behavior laboratory tests
1- Thermal transfer (U-Value)
2- Coefficient of longitudinal thermal expansion
3- Thermal conductivity (K – Value) (Laser comp)
4- Thermal conductivity (K – Value) using the KD2 device
5- Density determination
6- Thermal imaging and analysis using an infrared thermal camera
7- Determine indoor air quality (IAQ), carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and dew point temperature
8- Water absorption
9- Moisture content of any samples
10- Water vapor permeability
Tests of moisture-proof materials (bitumen) Liquid bitumen tests
1- Uniformity
2- Residue by evaporation
3- Percentage of volatile substances (Volatiles)
4- Ash content
5- Water content
6- Drying time
7- Flexibility
8- Water resistance
9- Bitumen content
10- Exposure to direct flame
Tests of bitumen sheets
1- Water absorption
2- Water penetration
3- Water vapor permeability
4- Tenderizing point
5- Weight/area
Acoustics laboratory
1- Sound insulation in the laboratory
2- Sound insulation on site
3- Sound absorption using a tube
4- Sound absorption using the echo chamber
5- Selection of electrostatic flooring on site
6- Electromagnetic measurements
7- Noise tests of machines
8- Impact sound insulation of floors
9- Measuring the reverberation time
10- Measuring the sound insulation of facades
Fire lab
1- Ignitability
2- Rate of Burning
3- Flame spread coefficient and smoke spread coefficient FSI & SDI
4- Fire protection for steel section
5- Fire resistance of metal and wooden doors, electromagnetic measurements
6- Sandwich panels
7- Raised floor & false ceiling
8- Brick wall
9- Behavior of samples when exposed to fire
10- Determine the thickness of fire-resistant paint layer (DFT).
11- Tensile test of fire-resistant paint layer (Pull Off test)
Aerodynamics laboratory
1- Water and air permeability of windows, doors and curtain walls
2- Structural behavior of windows, doors and curtain walls
Radiation laboratory
1- Determine the radioactivity of materials
2- Measuring the material’s resistance to radiation
3- Measuring the concentration of radon gas
Nanotechnology laboratory
1- Hall effect
2- Thermal analysis (TGA, DSC, DTA)
3- Measuring the electrical resistance of thin films with a Four Piont Probe
4- Gas sensor evaluation
5- Humidity sensor evaluation
6- Plasma coating of samples with different metals
7- Production of some nanomaterials (nano silica - nano clay) Nano material Production
8- Measuring electrical properties at different temperatures and Frequencies (LCR bridge)
Scanning electron microscope laboratory
1- Microstructure investigation of materials (SEM)
Wood Laboratory
1- Moisture Content
2- Volumetric Shrinkage Coefficient
3- Radial Shrinkage Coefficient
4- Tangential Shrinkage Coefficient
5- Volumetric Swelling Coefficient
6- Radial Swelling Coefficient
7- Tangential Swelling Coefficient
Natural and artificial lighting laboratory
1- Solar reflection coefficient
2- Optical properties of glass
3- Shading coefficient
4- Measuring lighting intensity for visual comfort.
Solar heaters Laboratory
1- Solar heater tests (determining heater efficiency, solar participation, pressure, night loss, and heater insulation) BSEN ISO 9806

Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Email: hbrc@hbrc.edu.eg
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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